Existence for Dummies

Existence for Dummies:


1     You are not alone.

2     You are passing through time like water flowing in a river.

3     You leave your footprints even if you tip-toe through life.

4     Your actions ripple outwards from you like a rock dropped in a deep lake.

5     Others weep as you suffer.


6     That person over there was someone’s baby once.

7     There are tree times; past, present, future — gain wisdom from the past, live in the present, aspire to great heights in the        future.

8     If there are aliens they would think you are one!


9     Avoid the snakes, climb the ladders.

10   Stress and strain are indicators – pay attention.

11  Your true character will always reveal itself – so elevate it ASAP.

12   In the Field of Action there is no choice but to act – what you do can benefit others,  be neutral in its effect, or hurt others, choose the former not the latter.


13   Rich parents for all – not going to happen!

14   We are always wise when we give advise.

15   Retain perspective – maintain at least one percent of separation from any event.

16  The soul is near the surface in a child… encrusted by life in the adult… but it can shine through if you try hard enough.


READ MORE:  http://www.dreamyoga.com/integral-deep-listening/idl-essays/integral/spirituality-and-values

READ MORE:  http://acelebrationofwomen.ca/


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Arnost Lustig was a writer, educator and Holocaust survivor. His story is an exemplar of the wisdom that can be gained from abject suffering. He’s a beacon and inspiration for the higher aspirations of humanity.